At Boft we believed there was a better, simpler way to print your memories. We all miss the age-old ritual of taking photos, printing them and then sharing them with family and friends.  

We think your favourite photographs should be kept as beautiful high resolution prints, and not only on the Cloud. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that the beautiful moments you captured will be seen over and over again. 

We believe the photos you print become your life memories. Chances are good that you remember a photo you printed 20 years ago, but you probably won’t remember the digital images you snapped last year. 

A printed photograph is a thousand times more precious to its creator than it’s pixels on a screen. Because you can touch it, because it’s a piece of art, and because it is why we take photos in the first place. 

When we see family and friends flipping slowly through the pages of our photo albums or reminiscing at a family barbeque over the latest additions to our fridge collection, instead of swiping through the thousands of snaps on our smartphone screen, it feels right. This is a ritual we love.

We CELEBRATE the big moments and the ones in-between. Any excuse to hall out those old photo albums from years gone by and pop the bubbly! So much love goes into creating these and making sure no big story goes untold. These milestones become part of the stories we tell the generations to come. The moments frozen in time that can be relived. 

We offer the simplicity of ordering your memories from anywhere, and hassle-free delivery! We are here to make this the easy part. 

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